Now people become increasingly conscious of the importance of intellectual property.(现在人们越来越意识到知识产权的重要性。)
Do you know the intellectual property rights?(你知道什么是知识产权吗?)
What will happen to our intellectual property?(我们的知识产权会发生什么?)
Intellectual property results from creative thinking and may include products, services, processes, and ideas.(知识产权源于创造性思维,可能包括产品、服务、流程和想法。)
You might find intellectual property encumbrances.(可能会遇到知识产权障碍。)
Or look at the issue of intellectual property.(再看一下知识产权问题。)
Individuals and businesses have legal protection for intellectual property they create and own .(个人和企业对其建立和拥有的知识产权享有法律保护。)
Patent Office grants a patent, it is confirming that the intellectual property is unique.(专利局授予专利,是在确认知识产权的唯一性。)
Misappropriation is taking the intellectual property of others without due compensation and using it for monetary gain.(侵吞是指使用他人的知识产权而不给予应有的补偿并将其用于谋取经济利益。)
Violating intellectual property right.(侵犯他人知识产权的。)
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